CWPA 781 - Electronic Publishing Fall 2010
Instructor: Jenny O'Grady
410-455-1711 (work)
TA: Meredith Purvis
Course ObjectivesElectronic Publishing introduces students to alternate forms of writing and publishing on the Internet. Students will:
⁃ Learn basic web publishing skills using Dreamweaver CS4 and blog platforms
⁃ Broaden understanding of types of electronic publishing
⁃ Produce writing projects specific to electronic publishing
⁃ Engage in discussion of intention and outcomes of design choices
⁃ Gain confidence and knowledge to use the web as a reference and source of electronic publishing aid
⁃ Learn marketable skills in web publishing, video editing, blogging, etc.
Homework assignments, reading links, syllabus and class project information will be available online at
Text and Supplies ⁃ Instructional guides to Dreamweaver CS4 and/or iMovie (suggested)
⁃ USB flash drive (required)
Assignments and GradingStudents will complete weekly assignments, as well as a mid-semester and final electronic publishing project. Students will be expected to blog three times per week, each week. Attendance counts toward participation. Following two unexcused absences, the final grade will be lowered by a half letter for each absence.
⁃ Class participation 10%
⁃ Weekly blog entries 10%
⁃ EP presentations 10%
⁃ Mid-semester project 30%
⁃ Final project 40%