Monday, October 18, 2010
For October 25th Class
During the week, use your video camera to record some original clips to use in class. You may also find clips on the Web. The content itself does not matter; the video will not be graded.
Bring enough to be able to work in class.
Video Editing: The Basics
•Access to a computer with iMovie
•Video footage
•Any music, photos, or text you wish to incorporate into your project
•A folder dedicated to your video project
Getting Started:
1.Create a folder that contains all the things you want to incorporate into your video (images, music, text, your video footage). This will help ensure that you can easily access everything as you move from computer to computer.
2.Open iMovie and import the footage you would like to work with:
a.File>import movies
b.Select the video file you would like to work with
c.Create a “new event” for your Event Library
3.Create a new project
a.File>new project
4.Review the footage in the event you created and select clips to move into your project.
5.Trim and move the clips until they are in the order you prefer
Student sites
The Unfound Island - Liz
Brad Leroy Cartwright
Eli Dillard
Jessica Jonas
Dredging the Choptank - Kimberley
Catherine Maire
Roger William Market
An Artist's Shameful Self-Promotion - Lori
The Solopreneur Lifestyle - Akesha
Tabitha Surface: A Not So Southern Writer
Marie Thrailkill
Kari A. Waters
Link to video files for use in class
Underwater atomic test:
The phantom unmasking scene:
Tacoma bridge collapse:
Film countdown:
Texas longhorns:
Monday, October 11, 2010
EPub Final Project - Due December 6
For the final project, students will choose one or more of the following web formats to create a new literary work or, in the case of an online lit mag or podcast, promote other people’s literary work:
- Online literary magazine
- Video series (posted on YouTube)
- Hypertext Narrative
- Podcast series
- Twitter/Tumblr
- Facebook/MySpace
Other types of projects will be considered, but must be approved by the instructor. The objective of this project is to create a project that stretches the web tool beyond its intended/original use for a creative outcome.
In addition to the electronic project, students will write a two- to three-page paper discussing their process, possibilities for promotion, and lessons learned. For any work that is considered part of an ongoing project, the paper should also discuss the project’s life beyond the class.
Due October 25: Students will prepare a one-page project proposal including:
- Explanation of what web tools they will use, and why they are appropriate
- Description of planned content (text and graphics)
- Timeline for project
Students should feel free to e-mail Jenny and/or Meredith to discuss ideas before this date.
November 8 & 15: Individual conferences during class (Also, free lab)
November 22: Guest Panel
November 29: Free lab
December 6: Projects due. Presentations
EP Presentations - Due November 1
The presentation should address:
- What tools/electronics do I need to get started? Does it cost anything, or require any special skills?
- What is the intended use of this tool?
- How could I stretch the intended use for either 1) a more creative purpose or, 2) self-promotion as a writer?
- Are there any exceptional examples of creative use we should know about?
The topics are (to be assigned):
- YouTube: Vinnie & Mike
- Literary E-Magazines: Jessica & Brad
- Twitter and Tumblr: Liz & Cate
- Facebook: Roger & Lori
- Podcasting: Sam, Eli & Kari
- Flickr: Akesha & Amberly
- Etsy and other e-commerce sites: Tabitha, Marie
- E-book publishing sites: Kristi & Kimberley